
What's hot and what's not? : Make Up trends 2011

I've notice changes in terms of make up trend everytime I saw the actresses on tv, models in magazine and the like. Lets see the changes made base from the professional make up artist.

IN: Strong brow / Naturally shaped brows/ Fuller brows
 - this are brows that are not overly tweezed,shaped or plucked. Just a bit of an arched or nothing at all. It makes the face look prominent and fresh.

OUT: Overly arched brows - makes you look older. specially super thin brows.

IN:Vintage highly pigmented lips

OUT: Pink lips light colored lips
IN: Luminous- satin finish / Fresh looking skin - luminous skin is different from oily.  Luminous is more of a brighter fresher look with a bit of a dewy sheen but not to glossy ( that's good too for summer)

OUT:  Super Matte or Super dewy finish - Overly matte finished makes the face looks cakey, and super dewy or glossy finish makes face looks oily and only good for summer while in the beach.

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