Playing with palettes

Hi Everyone! Thanks for visiting my page. I am a full time IT Support and Mom and free lance make up artist.
Below are the pictures of the works I've done with my CapHRIchoS group.


1. The very first photo shoot. I can't find the rest of the pictures that are not edited.
Lorinette's Preggy Photo shoot:
Creative Photo Director/Stylist: Chis Munar
HMUA: me!
Photog: Jun O and Ryan V

Nette and Harry- the parents-to-be

2. First Pre-Nuptial - Vel and Chris
Creative Director/Stylist: Chis Munar
MUA: me!
Photog: Jun O and Gliern V

Outdoor (AMK Gardens)

Indoor: AMK 04-61 Studio

3. Liezel and Fritz'  Chang'e inspired photoshoot
Creative Director: None
HMUA: me!
Photog: Ryan V and friends

4. Rocel and Basti - Unplanned Photoshoot
Mother and child
Creative Photo Director: Lorinette Jacinto
MUA: Me!
Photog: Jun O.

5. Liezel and Fritz' Centerfold inspired prenup

Creative Photo Director/Stylist/MUA: Chris Munar
Photog: Jun O and Gliern V.

6. Jenny Robles' Fanta-Glam PhotoShoot

Creative Photo Director/Stylist: Chris Munar
MUA: Me!
Photog: Me, Gliern V and Ryan V

7. Tey Prieto: Audrey Hepburn inpired look

Creative Photo Director/Stylist: Chris Munar
MUA: Me!
Photog: Gliern V and JunO

8. Audrey and Denize Glam shoot (sisters)
Creative Photo Director/Stylist: Chris Munar
MUA: Me!
Photog: Gliern V and JunO

9. Erliene: Classic Beauty inspired look

Creative Photo Director/Stylist: Chris Munar
MUA: Me!
Photog: Gliern V and JunO

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